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Protect Your PC and Network from Leechware? Photo Caption

Beware of Leechware.  Some Internet based companies think you have the right to invite advertisers to spy on you.  And you may have exercised the right without knowing it. 

Leechware is probably here to stay,  With banner ads delivering unimpressive results, some firms have embraced more aggressive forms of advertising that often revolve around the hottest download, file-swapping site, or software of the moment.  Microsoft planned a simular technology for Windows XP called "Smart Tags" until pressured to shelve the idea.

We will try to keep you informed on sites to avoid.  The following are sites to avoid.  Check back every week or so to see what site has been added to the list.

  1. Gator has created what they call a Companion Pop-up Banner to track users' online movements and serve up ads.  Gators twist?  The ads cover existing banner ads.  When the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) claimed the pop-ip constitute a "dirt trick" Gator responded in August by filling a lawsuit asking a federal judge to protect its right to use them.
  2. More coming soon!

((((((( Updated Wednesday, April 29, 2009 Unique Visitors )))))))